Sunday, August 13, 2006

The German Dream

The German Dream
18811884, 19031906, 19181920Three major waves of pogroms kill tens of thousands of Jews in Russia and Ukraine. More than two million Jews emigrate in the period 1881–1920.1917 FebruaryThe Pale of Settlement is abolished, and Jews get equal rights.Bear with me here we are getting there.1918 1939The period between the two World Wars is often referred to as the "golden age" of hazzanutI get scared everytime I hear the golden age.1923Britain gives the Golan Heights to the French Mandate of Syria. Arab immigration is allowed; Jewish immigration is not.I thought things were ok here?1930World Jewry: 15,000,000. Main countries USA(4,000,000), Poland (3,500,000 11% of total), Soviet Union (2,700,000 2% of total), Romania (1,000,000 6% of total). Palestine 175,000 or 17% of total 1,036,000.How many were in the land of Israel?1933Hitler takes over Germany; his anti-Semitic sentiments are well-known, prompting numerous Jews to emigrate.19381945The Holocaust (Ha Shoah).Need I say more?

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One's belief in God must come through faith and not because of miracles. "Rebbe Nachman of Breslov"