Sunday, August 13, 2006

Still dreaming :(

Still dreaming :(
We are now beginning to populate again.1750Jewish population of Poland reaches 750,000 or 8.0% of total. The worldwide Jewish population is estimated at 1,200,000. (why are they still there? Are they still after the Polish dream?)1772 1795Partitions of Poland between Russia, Kingdom of Prussia and Austria. Main bulk of World Jewry lives now in those 3 countries. Old privileges of Jewish communities are denounced.1775 1781American Revolution; religious Freedom guaranteed. [4], [5](What's this another dream to chase?)1789The French revolution. In 1791 France grants full right to Jews and allows them to become citizens, under certain conditions. [6]1790In the USA, President George Washington sends a letter to the Jewish community in Rhode Island. He writes that he envisions a country "which gives bigotry no sanction...persecution no assistance". Despite the fact that the US was a predominantly Protestant country, theoretically Jews are given full rights. In addition, the mentality of Jewish immigrants shaped by their role as merchants in Eastern Europe meant they were well-prepared to compete in American society. So far, their number is limited.(Noone has caught on to the American dream yet)But everywhere's else it seems to be looking up.1830Greece grants citizenship to Jews.Mid 1800sBeginning of the rise of classical Reform Judaism. (compromises walking away again)Mid-1800sPositive-Historical Judaism, later known as Conservative Judaism, is developed.(Positive?)1851Norway allows Jews to enter the country. They are not emancipated until 1891.1858 Jews emancipated in England.1862Jews are given equal rights in Poland. The privileges of some towns regarding prohibition of Jewish settlement are revoked.1867Jews emancipated in Hungary.1870Jews emancipated in Italy.1871Jews emancipated in Germany.1877New Hampshire becomes the last state to give Jews equal political rights.1880World Jewish population around 7.7 million, 90% in Europe, mostly Eastern Europe; around 3.5 million in the former Polish provinces.It looks to me like we are getting comfortable again. How sad.

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One's belief in God must come through faith and not because of miracles. "Rebbe Nachman of Breslov"