Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tired Today

Well it has been a long day and maybe even a little bit sad for me. I was doing laundry which believe it or not I like doing. But as I sat there folding my clothes a sadness came over me. Right now I am not working I am kind of taking a break. But the reality set in on the fact that my being a homemaker is only temporary and that makes me sad. I have always loved the idea of being home and raising the children. Homeschooling and also learning. But sad...soon this will be over and I will have to go back to work. So the beauty of being on a time limit is knowing that whatever time you have it must be invested in the children. Every moment is a lesson for me to teach them something knew. Our homeschool curriculum is a mix mosh of so many things but they are things that are very valuable. Woman who are at home need to cherish the time they have because time is very short and so much to teach them. Ahhh if I only had more time to teach them more. B' zerat Hashem my stay with them will be longer.
:( Leah

1 comment:

Philly Farmgirl said...

Would to G-d, more of us would mourn our vocation like this. I know I do. Being a mother has been everything to me. If more of us felt this way, maybe things would change. Maybe a revolution of homemaking would start again. Is this for everyone? Not at all, but the women who do desire this should not be deprived of this job as much as those desiring to work outside the home should not be deprived. Enjoy each moment and try not to be sad at all. Remember the story of the boy and the sled. Everytime he rode the sled down he cried, because he knew he was going to have to climb up the hill again to ride back down. Revel in each moment, who knows what the future holds. OXOXOX

One's belief in God must come through faith and not because of miracles. "Rebbe Nachman of Breslov"